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SudaTonic Treatments for Weight Loss

Treatments using the unique 4-Zone Sudatonic Infrared Blanket system and Suda-Tone creams.

Sudatonic treatment

Sudatonic Infrared Body Treatment

The Sudatonic™ Infrared System is based on sound scientific principals
in using Infrared heat to increase metabolism. Toxins are flushed out
of the body as the unique 4-zone Far-Infrared blanket is used in conjunction
with Sudatonic’s own SudaTone Creams. With the Sudatonic™ System, improvements
are also notable in skin appearance and texture, weight loss, reduction of cellulite
and stretch marks, along with the benefits of a totally relaxing experience.

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Reduces Stress and Fatigue

Perhaps the most immediate relief that SUDATONIC™ Infrared System offers, is simple relaxation as it melts away the stresses and tension of “modern” life. Just a few minutes in the warmth of the Sudatonic™ blanket, and you begin to have an an overall massaging effect, soothing nerves and muscles. You’ll feel rejuvenated and renewed, restored in both body and mind.

Burns Calories, Controls Weight and Reduces Cellulite Relieves pain and Joint Stiffness 

As you relax in the SUDATONIC™ Infrared blanket, your body is actually hard at work producing sweat,
pumping blood, and burning calories. Referring to “old fashioned, traditional saunas”, The Journal of the American Medical Association stated, “in a single sauna session you may burn as many calories as you would rowing or jogging for 30 minutes”.
Saunas have traditionally been used by European beauticians to help eliminate cellulite.
Since the radiant heat of the SUDATONIC™ Infrared System warms many times more deeply
as conventional saunas, it is significantly more effective at reducing cellulite.

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Sudatonic treatment
Sudatonic treatment
Checking Weight

Relieves pain and Joint Stiffness

The deep heat of the SUDATONIC™ Infrared System helps peripheral blood vessels dilate,
bringing relief and healing to muscle and soft tissue injuries. In Europe, radiant heat is widely used
to help those with many forms of arthritis. It has been proven effective in the easing of sprains,
neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and many other musculoskeletal ailments.


Single session $89

Discounted multi-session packages are available.

SudaTonic™ Far Infrared Body Shaping

Egyptian Body Spa offers the SudaTonic™ Far Infrared Body Shaping System - for better health and super-charged calorie burning. Based on sound scientific principals, infrared heat has been clinically proven to increase metabolism to promote weight loss - without exercise and no downtime.

Slip into the cozy thermal blanket and relax for up to an hour, while the infrared system's thermal energy penetrates the skin and breaks down stored fat and burns calories, flushes toxins out of the body, reduces the appearance of cellulite, relieves stress, and soothes pain and sore muscles! In addition to being a luxurious and pampering procedure, SudaTonic Far Ingrared can burn up to a possible 1200 calories per session!

SudaTonic™ Infrared treatments focus on the root causes of poor skin, excess weight, cellulite, and stretch marks - resulting in an improved external appearance and overall better internal health. Infrared heat treatments increase metabolism, improve nutrient and blood flow, clear decongested and blocked passageways, and enhance lymphatic and venous circulation, genuinely improving health!

SudaTonic™ Far Infrared Body Shaping

• Assists in weight loss
• Improves autoimmune system
• Increases vascular circluation
• Boosts metabolism
• Promotes higher oxygen to the brain
• Helps to block free radicals
• Burn 1200 calories per session
• Decrease waste circumference
• Helps to reduce inflammation
• Flush out toxins & metabolic waste
• Relieve aches & pains
• Promote natural skin cleansing
• Optimize skin tones & texture
• Reduces appearance of cellulite
• Relive stress & tension

How infrared Works

FAR infrared therapy heats the body directly with electromagnetic radiation that has wavelengths longer than those of visible light - which can penetrate the tissue with healing energy.

Rather than warming the surrounding air, FAR infrared raises the core body temperature and produces a detoxifying sweat at the deepest cellular level, where most toxins reside. The sweat then forces out the toxins, deeply cleansing the body's tissues and rejuvenating the skin.

Infrared heat also promotes weight loss by burning calories while you relax. As the boxy works to cool itself, there is a substantial increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, which causes the body to burn a high level of calories.

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